Lucine Kasbarian

Lucine Kasbarian

Blind justiceLucine Kasbarian is a New Jersey-based writer and self-syndicating cartoonist whose comics have appeared in a number of publications including The Armenian Weekly, The California Courier, and She is a second generation-born American-Armenian descendant of Armenian Genocide survivors, and the author of Armenia: A Rugged Land, an Enduring People (Simon & Schuster). Lucine was brought up in an Armenian-speaking home where humor, politics and the arts shared equal stage.


She first began producing political cartoons in response to the appalling murder of Hrant Dink and as a way to constructively express her outrage over social injustice and réalpolitik. As a cartoonist, Lucine's intention is to spotlight realities and hypocrisies that do not receive adequate coverage in mainstream media; to see her work appear in media outlets that reflect the traditions of a truly free press; and to drive the points home in absurdist, paradoxical ways by drawing from history, popular culture and personal experience. Her works will soon be online at



Samples of Lucine Kasbarian's work (click on each link to get the .JPG photo):






Left side cartoon: Blind Justice*


*Appeared in “The Armenian Weekly”