Ara Ashjian

Ara Ashjian

Ara AshjianIraqi Armenian Civil Engineer, researcher and journalist settled in Yerevan, Armenia, since 2007.

Ashjian writes in English, Arabic and Armenian. He is frequent reporter on Armenian issues, especially those related to the Middle East Armenians. He is contributor to Azad-Hye.

Before settling down in Armenia he made a visit to Armenia and Karabagh (Read the article here). The article is much longer in Arabic (click here for the Arabic version). Before leaving Baghdad Ara Ashjian posted an emotional goodbye message, which can be read here.

Ara Ashjian's blogs: (in English and Arabic) (in Arabic)

Read also by Ara Ashjian in Azad-Hye:

Iraqi Armenians after the toppling of Saddam Hussein: Emigration or Repatriation?

Archbishop Asadourian visits Sweden

Memorial day in Baghdad

Construction of an Armenian church in Dahuk and public houses for the needy Armenians in Baghdad

Life under threat in present-day Iraq

Armenians part of the cultural diversity of Iraq