“Armenian greetings: love and peace to the World”

“Armenian greetings: love and peace to the World”

GIRAGOS KOUYOUMDJIANAzad-Hye, Dubai 13 January 2006: Kuwaiti ?Al Qabas? Arabic daily published in its 7th January 2006 issue an interview with Giragos (Garo) Kouyoumdjian on the occasion of the celebration of Christmas by the Armenians in Kuwait. The interview was part of a wider coverage of the Armenian Community prepared by journalist Layla Al Saraf:


?I wish health and wellbeing to all?. With this phrase Armenian businessman Giragos Kouyoumdjian and his brother Hagop started the conversation on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas celebrations by the Armenians. ?It is an opportunity for the individual to evaluate the outcome of a complete year, revising the possible mistakes that have been committed and regretting the casualties that have been suffered. In the meantime it is a time for sensing deep pride and contentment for various accomplished achievements?.  


The beginning of the year is an occasion for expressing increased wishes and expectations on all levels: individual, family, relatives, friends, compatriots and homeland, said Kouyoumdjian, stressing that ?It is quite common for individuals to forget what the Arab famous poet once said: Not everything that a person aspires can be accessed?.


Kouyoumdjian carried on his thoughts expressing thanks and gratitude to the State of Kuwait and its people for the care and hospitality they provide to the Armenian Community. Dignified life, respect towards all beliefs, constant easiness of conducting private and business affairs are the characteristics of this country. He underlined that the freedom of belief and the observance of religious rituals are maintained in the Kuwaiti Constitution.


Elaborating on the wishes that could be materialized during the coming year Kouyoumdjian said: ?I wish that the difficulties my beloved country and birthplace Syria is facing now to be resolved and the black clouds that are dominating on the horizon to be dispersed very soon. I wish the crisis of my motherland Armenia with neighboring Azerbaijan and Turkey to be resolved too and the dreadful embargo imposed on Armenia for more than ten years to be lifted, thus easing the sufferings of the Armenians and paving the way for the settlement of the disputes?.


Kouyoumdjian called on the ?Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development? to provide aid to nations in need, expressing the hope that Armenia would be placed on the top of the list of the countries that would be granted financial or economic assistance by Kuwait in the coming year, so that the Armenians will economically rise and participate in the global development and prosperity process.


Concluding the interview Kouyoumdjian expressed the wish that Kuwaiti authorities provide a piece of land to the Armenian Community in a suitable location in Kuwait City to construct a school and a church together with adjacent facilities that will host athletic, cultural and social activities, making it possible for the Armenians of Kuwait to meet in a place appropriate to the nature of the civilization to which they belong and by means of  which they would be able to express their full and sincere gratitude to the all. 


Arabic text (including meetings with other Community members): http://www.alqabas.com.kw/news_details.php?id=140173